Sheena Stringer

Sheena Stringer, Master’s in Special Education
Sheena Stringer is a graduate of the Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, AR. Sheena earned a Master’s Degree in Special Education for Developmental Therapy. She has worked in the Early Childhood Education field for 16 years specializing in early intervention learning. She has obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Child Studies from Post University. Sheena began working with the organization’s founder this year to offer support and expand Kanaka’s passion. The founders desire to assist families to learn skills for coping with life in all areas inspired Sheena to join the team.
Through the years, Sheena has seen the need for organizations like this to offer families the tools needed for them to be able to grow and cope with life during and after incarceration and separation. Sheena worked for the Division of Children and Families Services as a Family Service Worker, this experience raised awareness to children in need of support from companies like Growing and Coping together due to parent incarceration.
Sheena’s desire in the Growing and Coping Together Non-Profit Organizational is to work closely with the board to promote the organization for recognition and growth in Northwest Arkansas and possibly expand to Northeast Arkansas soon.